Tuesday, June 23, 2015

find your true blues and keep 'em close

I am someone who loves just about everyone.  I never meet a stranger and I'm always happy to be friends with almost anyone.  But I also have best friends, and they're kinda everything to me.  Some of these friends live far away-  like on the other side of the country, far away- and some are in Georgia (one is actually named Georgia) and one or two are speckled in other cities.  Some of my best friends I see maybe only once or twice a year and 2 of them I have weekly breakfast with.

Speaking of these two… One of them had a birthday yesterday- and we threw her an epic day of party on Saturday.  Pictures of our adventures below:

Started the day by making her Glitter Rock Candy, which I learned from A Beautiful Mess.  Theirs is rose flavored, (which I didn't have time to order,) so mine is ginger.  HIGHLY recommend. The edible glitter is a brand called Disco Dust.  

Next on the list: Pedicures at Nouvelle.  (no pictures. womp womp)

Then on to our bestie birthday photo booth tradition at West Egg that just happened to be out of order this time.  Haha.  We DID discover our favorite latte ever though, so our trip was not in vain.  

Next: Dr. Bombays Underwater Tea party for a surprise birthday tea! This place is seriously adorable and magic.  

Then, per bestie birthday party tradition rules, we headed back to relax/get ready for a couple of hours which usually has a photo (and Phhhoto) shoot. 


And we always end things with a bang.  For my birthday it was glitter pizza and a dance party.  Saturday it was Tacos and KARAOKE


All this to say, my true blues are what make me who I am.  There will often be times that I'm gushing about all of my best pals bc I love the heck out of them.  They're all so beautiful and wonderful and stupid talented in their own different ways and I draw so much inspiration from them.  

Gifs by Phhhoto  

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